Tutorial 3

tutorial3.JPG (13118 bytes)

1) Choose "Sine Plasma" in "Generate" group, then set "Period of X Sine" to 2
    and "Green Mask" to 128. Other parameters left without changes. Click on
    "Add" button.

2) Choose "Perlin Noise".   Set "Variant" to 110 and "Blue Mask" to 128. 
    Enable "Fixed colors" checkbox. Then "Add" (use it after each command).

3) For further use we shall transfer all this to the buffer "Move to Buffer".

4) Now we shall deform the image. Choose "Sine distortion" in "Deform"
   group. Set "Period of X Sine" and "Period of Y sine" to 3.

5) Choose "Glass" in "Deform" group. Set "Distortion" to 40 and
    "Smothness" to 3.

Let's deform the image concerning the kept buffer. Choise "Distorition by
    Buffer" in "Deform" group and set such values:

    X Amplitude:    60
    X Turbulence:   65
    Y Turbulence:   150

7) Adjust the colors. Choose "Gamma Correction" in "Adjust the colors" group.
    Set "Percents" to 200.

8) That's all, now your image is ready.

Hint: Try to experiment with parameters of "Sine plasma" and "Perlin Noise".